Monday, November 11, 2013

The Cosmos Crisis

For over 60 years, Cosmos American Diner has been a treasured landmark of the SU campus and community. The relished eatery was famous for its cinnamon buns and. The perfect place to pig out or cure a hangover, or so everyone thought, was deemed the “best” for its food and location/accessibility to students.

After a March 6, 2013 less-than-mediocre health and safety inspection, regular customers were horrified and shocked by the news. Of these shocking and disgusting discoveries, perhaps most disheartening was the finding of “three dead mice noted near upstairs mop sink (aka near customers) and mouse droppings noted on canned goods in basement, on shelving areas at front service line” AND…wait for it…"in pizza preparation corner."

Call me crazy, but one would think that after such an atrocious report, the diner would be shut down immediately, or at least close until fully rectifying situations at the diner. This did not happen, which definitely surprised, confused, and appalled many all at once. The diner's lack of response to this report was alarming too. The only 'action' Cosmos took was simply obliging to state regulations by posting the report in their front window. I know I speak for many of its loyal cliental when I say that is not too relieving.